It's been about 29 hours since Anna Kathryn was placed in our arms and we are having a ball getting to know her. Some highlights:
- She doesn't have teeth yet! I guess our update was wrong. But we think she is going to cut one soon, because she chews on everything. I loved the sensation of her little gums sucking on my finger in the van yesterday (guess which rookie mama forgot to pack a pacifier?)
- She is definitely active. She loves to play "airplane" and romp with Mark. She also loves looking at the baby in the mirror and making faces (see the picture below).
- She's been fighting sleep and nap time. Not sure yet if this is a personality thing, an overstimulation thing, or an attachment thing. We are trying to follow her lead on this. Today's nap didn't happen until we put her in the crib and left her alone. I think laying on the bed with mommy and daddy made her think it was still playtime!
- She has rolled with all of the firsts: restaurant, hotel, night away from the orphanage, shopping trip to a local grocery store, stroll down the street-- where she attracted lots of smiles and attention from the other shoppers.
- She has no trouble telling us "no"-- she makes a hilarious stubborn face and fake cries (no tears)
- She does not like to be on her tummy. This is a major cause of fake crying, and the occasional real tear. She can stand, but she is wobbly, and has to hold tight to us. She hasn't shown us if she can crawl yet, due to the tummy aversion. She is also wobbly when she sits up on her own (and has fallen over on the bed a few times). I think we have a few developmental milestones to work on.
- We call her "Bo Di" or "Di Di" (her nickname at the orphanage) and sometimes she will look at us when we say it. We say Anna Kathryn too, but she doesn't recognize that one yet.
- Her eyes gleam when she sees food. (Chip off the old block, eh?) The bottle, especially, although she has eagerly chowed down on fruit, congee, banana, oranges, bread, eggs... By the way, the formula she has been fed is not the brand involved in the tainted formula problem here, thankfully.
- She has us wrapped around her finger and much prefers to be held to anything else (bed, chair, stroller). She smiles, laughs, giggles, and looks at us. We are so thankful for this, since we have been praying that the attachment process will go well for her. It's still a process, but she looks for us if we are not nearby (for example, if one of us steps into the bathroom to fix a bottle, or to go get food at the breakfast buffet). This is a good sign!
More pictures from late Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning:
The mirror game is super-fun!
Well, I probably should be napping along with Anna Kathryn, but am enjoying some computer time instead. Today has been very relaxed, since we got pretty much all of the official business out of the way yesterday. We slept in a little, after our 3 AM wake up call from Anna Kathryn. Once she fell back to sleep, she slept hard until 8:30 AM, when we woke her up for breakfast.
After breakfast, we went shopping with our guide in the pedestrian district and went to the grocery store for diapers, water, and hairspray (mine was confiscated in the security checkpoint at the airport, despite being in my small Ziploc baggie. A sad moment, indeed.). I was so busy checking on Anna Kathryn in the stroller and chatting with Sally that I forgot to take pictures. I'll have to get some on the next outing. After the heat and crowds, we were kinda glad to return to the hotel for lunch for Anna Kathryn and then a nap.
Today we entrusted a week's worth of dirty clothes to one of the local laundries, arranged by our guide. It takes a certain level of trust to give practically every stitch you brought to a stranger, who just zips them in his suitcase and heads out. At least he had an official looking form in both English and Chinese I filled out. I am picky about my laundry, but also desperate and down to the last clean shirt! I pray that everything comes back in one piece tomorrow.
Mark is waking up our little sunshine, so I've got to go. We race to the computer first thing in the morning (and afternoon, and so on...) to read comments and e-mail. Even if we don't respond to all of them, please know that we love you all and appreciate every note and comment from home.
Good night from China!!
I love the "Hi to everyone" picture..... what a happy baby!!! How in the world are you boiling water?
OOOOOH, she is so stinking CUTE! I cannot wait to see her for real! YAY YAY! Great update!
The picture of her playing before bedtime is priceless! Don't feel bad about the rookie mama moment of forgetting a pacifier. Sometime I'll share with you my classic moment of botched new motherhood. I'm sure that within your loving care she will develop strength to sit and stand faster than you are ready! Great bathroom by the way...
Hey Barb-- Chinese hotel rooms have hot pots-- little electric kettles. We keep ours humming!
How cute is she??????? Oh my, I know you're in LOVE!
What a cute baby! I hope you all are soaking it all in!
From the pictures I would say AK ha bonded. You look like a family and her smiles are so big it is easy to see she is happy right where she is. What a marvelous blessing for each of you. She has fallen into a honey pot for sure. There is no such thing as too much love and you cannot spoil her by giving her love. Enjoy each minute! I use to take my electric skillet in order to heat up my baby's bottle/food in motel rooms but I never had to boil the water. You'll be home soon! Thanks for sharing AK with all of us way over here in the USA. God speed and keep you safe.
Oh, so cute. I am happy for you! She's just gorgeous.
Another fellow RQ'er is there in Nanchung - we traveled together in Beijing from our mutual agency. I linked to her blog a couple posts back.
Oh, Kimmie...she is too cute!! I love the pictures - she looks so happy. I'm so excited for all three of you!
Love, Reag
Anna Kathryn is beautiful (Abe says "precious"). We're so eager to meet her!
Anna Kathryn is absolutely adorable!!! Y'all look like you are transition so well.
Oh, and as to the tummy time... our Tongginator had absolutely no stomach muscles whatsoever. One thing we found helped was playing the sit-up game with her. We would sit and lay her in front of us. She would grab our fingers with her little hands. Then we would "help" her do sit-ups, gradually encouraging her to do more of the work. That might be something to try.
how "cheery" she looks, so cute! thanks for sharing~~she looks as anxious to get here as we are to see her in person~~hurry back!
Re Re
If I get fired for looking at blogs during class it'll all be
your cute baby's fault. I keep coming back to look at these adorable pictures. You're right, she does appear to be perfect.
kimberly, she's adorable!! congratulations!
She is absolutely adorable. You have a beautiful family!!
Jill Brackett
(Jane's sister)
Praise God.... You look so happy. Anna Kathryn is such a sweet little babe. The fun has just began. (I wasn't much for hotel rooms with babies either. It will get easier)
Thank you for sharing your journey and allowing me to enjoy some of your joy and the joy that comes from knowing that God has great plans for your family of three.
Stay safe and journal, photo's, laugh, journal, photo's, laugh. LOLOL
Sonja, Florida
She is SOOOO cute!!! Congrats again! She is adorable and it looks like you are having lots of fun with her :)
She is beautiful! I am soo happy for you. I can not wait to meet her.
Ronda B
Congratulations! AK is so beautiful. Don't forget to eat something fresh off the fish market.
Kim and Mark,
What a delight to see your beautiful family. The smiles on your faces is an outward express of God's hand at work. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Anna Kathryn is PRECIOUS!!! She looks like such a sweet, happy, easy-going little girl. It's also so neat to see you (Mark & Kimberly) beaming from ear to ear in your pictures! God has richly blessed you all with one another. I hope that you continue to enjoy your days of "bonding" before coming back to the U.S.! Congratulations!!!
She's beautiful!!! She looks so happy. You make a wonderful family.
Can't wait for you to get home so
we can all hold her. Take care and
enjoy every beautiful moment.
How exciting for your family!!! She is just a cutie pie, and we will be heading to Jiangxi sometime in the next few months or so, so it is fun to watch your story for sure!!!
congratulations on your special gift!
In Him,
AWAA waiting family
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